O espelho como efeito decorativo, um design com um formato diferente onde não há espaço para o comum.
The mirror as a decorative effect, a design with a different format where there is no space for vulgarity.
The mirror as a decorative effect, a design with a different format where there is no space for vulgarity.
A maioria dos grandes designers franceses propôs a sua própria interpretação do material: Jean Marie Massaud, Arik Levy, Patrick Norguet, JC de Castelbajac, Christian Ghion...
Most of the great French designers offered their own interpretation of the material: Jean Marie Massaud, Arik Levy, Patrick Norguet JC de Castelbajac, Christian Ghion ...
Mais que simples espelhos, estes reflectem a visão dos seus criadores, cada modelo tornar-se-á único reflectindo o nosso próprio espaço.
More than just mirrors, they reflect the vision of its creators, making each model will unique and reflect our own space.
More than just mirrors, they reflect the vision of its creators, making each model will unique and reflect our own space.
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